In my desire to gain at least a tenth of a second at the race track a fellow racer shared a possible trick. If I disable the alternator for the 13 seconds I am going down the race track I can save the draw of the alernator. I am not opposed to this trick as the battery should do just fine for that short period of time.
So ... I am needing the service of those much more schooled in the area of electronics than I. The voltage regulater has 4 connectors on it. The 4 connectors are labeled F 2 3 4:
F - blue wire in to harness and is one of the 2 wires in the connector on the alternator
2 - yellow wire in to harness and is one of the 2 wires in the connector on the alternator
3 - red wire in to harness to fusible link to horn relay
4 - brown wire in to harness out to ???
Would I interrupt the circuit in the blue wire to tell the alternator I don't need charging?
Are you sure they did not mean diconnect the alternator belt ? The mechanical turning of it takes some HP. The same holds true for the mechanical water pump, AC & power steering. I do not know what you would acheive by just electrically disabling it.