So I stumbled across an ad Manual Precision Mill, made offer and got it. Rent a trailer have big forklift set in trailer. Get home and the Bobcat tips over trying to pick it off the trailer.
Scramble the next day nobody close with a tractor or other equipment near to lift it off. Get lucky and Excavator Company who lives down the road can come over and help.
Drives down 15 minutes later with HUGE PAYLOADER picks it off the trailer no problem and no charge!
Sunday I see a CNC Knee Mill about the same size as what I just bought for sale. Contact the person and check it out the next day. Wow in fantastic shape and comes with some tooling!
Saturday get Bro-Inlaws skid loader trailer and pick it up bring it over to Jamie's to park until spring.
So This winter clean and rebuild the first manual I bought put a digital readout on it and get a few tools. Sell it and hope for enough to cover costs and make a profit on it.
When asked why I want a CNC: Because I can make all sorts of parts holding the tolerance with just a tool change. Plus I won't need to buy anymore AR lowers, just bar stock.