I have purchased many vacuums for my shed some good some crap. One Vacuum my wife decided belongs in the house an older Filter Queen. Thing is quiet and has great suction but she gets her way. The next one I picked up is a Rainbow and that uses water to trap dirt. The one common factor with all vacuums that bugs me is the hose. I purchased a vacuum that hangs on the wall in the garage and makes life easy hose is a this big and small thing that comes with it but it works. The other day at Fleet Farm I saw a "Clorox Pool hose" https://www.fleetfarm.com/detail/clorox-pool-spa-35-ft-vacuum-hose-with-adaptor/0000000236977?Ntt=Pool This could be the answer to the issue of reaching the back of the car with the vacuum or the other side easily.